
Sunday, December 23, 2012

San Marin High School Football

I saw some of my former students a few weeks ago in Napa, California at the North Coast Section Division 4 Football final. Unfortunately for San Marin High School, Justin-Siena High School won.

football fans photo

For those of you who want to comment, feel free to access the page or the photography facebook site. Thank you to everyone who said hello. I was also grateful that the San Marin team demonstrated excellent sportsmanship despite losing. Justin-Seina fans were decent too.

San Marin High School Sports Fans Image

Share THIS BLOG LINK for more photos and to leave comments.
Share this link of to see game and fan photos

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

California Ed Code and Audio/ Video Recording in the Classroom

If anyone finds my old blog, I thought I would post something here. You can still find me at my new blog at bryanfarleyphotography.

At the Journalism Education Association, we discussed how students secretly taped a classroom discussion and distributed the video online. Last year, some of my students might remember our conversation about this issue. (Someone might have recorded me becoming upset about the violation.) In case some of you thought I was making up a state law, here is the specific ed code. Other states differ on this issue.

California Education Code 51512

51512.  The Legislature finds that the use by any person, including
a pupil, of any electronic listening or recording device in any
classroom of the elementary and secondary schools without the prior
consent of the teacher and the principal of the school given to
promote an educational purpose disrupts and impairs the teaching
process and discipline in the elementary and secondary schools, and
such use is prohibited. Any person, other than a pupil, who willfully
violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
   Any pupil violating this section shall be subject to appropriate
disciplinary action.
   This section shall not be construed as affecting the powers,
rights, and liabilities arising from the use of electronic listening
or recording devices as provided for by any other provision of law.

With an interesting story from PBS

Friday, October 7, 2011


Just a reminder...

If anyone is trying to reach me, please contact


I hope you are enjoying your year.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

After 2010-2011

By now, many of you know that I will not be returning to San Marin. Some of you have suspected that San Marin will not have multimedia and video production next year, so you probably knew for months too. By the time you read this message, you may have already seen me dismantle part of the lab... or whatever is left of it.

I have probably also told you that if I had known more about the position when I applied for the job, I never would have accepted the position. I imagine some of the students would not have taken the class had they known more about the condition of the lab and the lack of cameras or software or.... We all expected better. 

Fortunately, I took the job. Despite the conditions, I met many wonderful people, and I will always be grateful that I worked here. Students worked even when the equipment did not. And many of you learned an important lesson. 

It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility.

Some of you exceeded my expectations and created amazing final projects. Other students were trapped in their frustration. I understand your frustration. I often shared it. I heard your complaints. Often, there was not much more I could do. For those of you who did not enjoy this experience, I hope you learn how to avoid these situations or learn how to change them.

For those of you who wish to contact me in the future, I am sure you will find me. The best way to reach me is through one of my several emails. You can probably find me at bryanfarley2010 at gmail. If you do not find me there, search for me on the internet. Feel free to use anything except my personal Facebook account.

I wish you all the very best.


Final Exam 5th Period

Part 1

(the next three questions are about your final video/multimedia project) 

1. What is one thing you did well?

2. What is one thing you learned?

3. What is one thing you could have done better?

Part 2 

Since our class was a Career Technology class, I wanted students to learn useful career skills. Choose one of these lessons and provide a short explanation.

Copy the content of this post along with your answers and send a message to my nusd email. Please write the word "Final Exam" in the subject heading.

We do not have enough computers for each student, so we will take turns. When you are finished or while you are waiting, please remain quiet.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Final Exam - Period 4

Part 1
1. During the second semester, were you required to keep a notebook? Did you take notes every day you were in class?
2. Why did I suggest or require that you take written notes?
3. Compared to other classes, how hard did you work in this class?
4. Did you think this class would be easy or difficult?
5. Why do you think I assigned the Daily/Weekly Tracker?
Part 2
What do you think I wanted you to learn from this class? Choose three answers and explain. Some answers are worth more than others, so pick your best answers.
Remember, email your responses to my school email from your email.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Quick note: Grades are being added this week. Some students will have much higher grades than current scores reflect. Keep looking at Aeries as I update scores.