
Friday, May 27, 2011

Important Schedule Updates

Today, the office staff notified the faculty about some important events and schedule changes. Please notice how these changes may affect your projects. 

June 2nd & 3rd     Spring Concert

June 6th             Senior Awards 6:30 Student Center

June 7th             NO BLOCK SCHEDULE 
                        Distribution of Senior yearbooks at lunchtime in the Library

Seniors leave for Disneyland
Distribution of Yearbooks 7:00 AM for jrs, Lunchtime for sophs’ and after school for freshmen.

June 9th             Nothing just school!

June 10th          Minimum Day 4th & 8/9 finals

June 13th           Minimum Day 3rd & 7th period finals

June 14th           Minimum Day 2nd & 6th period finals

June 15th           Minimum Day 1st & 5th period finals Last Day of School

June 16th           Teachers last work day
Graduation Practice 12:30 to 2:00
                        Graduation 7:00 PM Football Field

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Student "Movie Website" Additional Notes

Just a quick post about the movie website in case you missed the other references to this assignment.

Here is an example created by one student group using a program called Webs. Here is my quick Weebly site. You are free to use other sites. You probably know that I use many other web applications for my outside work. Many of the other programs allow for video. The NUSD web filters block many of the video applications, but we may be able to do allow for the student videos to be viewed for this project.


Movie Poster

Movie posters can influence a person's decision to see a movie. A great poster may help make a movie memorable; the poster might become the lasting impression.

Movie posters also help introduce the audience to characters or movie themes. Potential audience members might decide if they want to learn more about the movie simply by looking at a poster.

Bob Peak created many well known movie posters. He is said to be the "father of the modern Hollywood movie poster." The Academy of Motion Pictures honored his work. You can see a video and hear about some of his contributions.

You can also read a Wikipedia article about movie posters. Early movie posters were illustrated. If you wish, you may draw. You may also photograph your movie poster. You may also combine photographs, illustrations and computer graphics.

Your final product will be posted on your website.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Time Tracker Update

Some students are submitting multiple trackers with identical titles and confusing subject lines. For example, some students will send me a tracker called tracker.xls for each week. Other students will send a tracker for May 20 called May6tracker.xls. Other students have copied a group members tracker template (which I allowed), and the tracker is called copyofotherstudentstracker.xls.

Students could help themselves further by using the email subject line by describing the assignment. A simple explanation will help the reader and the sender. 

To help you have your assignments graded, Rename each spreadsheet to coincide with the assignment. For example, change the title to your name and the date of the spreadsheet. I would call my assignment BFarleytrackerMay20.xls

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Feature Film Assignment

I have discussed this assignment for several months; I also posted this assignment on March 23 as part of "The Big Project." Today, I will comment further.

Working in groups, students create a four minute feature film. The movie/ video is the largest project of the year; the film is also connected to the other nine Big Project assignments. Everyone in the group will participate. each group member will help write the treatment, script and story boards. All group members will help film and edit.

The Four Minute Feature Film may be shorter than 4 minutes. If the film is longer than four minutes, the project is not complete. I want students to learn how to edit. Hopefully, students will have recorded more than four minutes of video. Choosing which clips to keep becomes difficult when both are good. This skill is important to learn.

Students will save their video on their school drive and/ or movie website. Some groups have already created their movie website. I showed students a webiste. To upload video, users were required to pay, otherwise the site was free. I would accept another alternative. Students can search for other free sites or use Vimeo or Youtube and link to the free site. 

Another reminder, if a group uses students from outside this class, the group must receive permission from the person being filmed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The New Finals

The Final Exam Schedule has changed.





June 10, 2011


June 13, 2011


June 14, 2011


June 15, 2011

P4    8:20 –   10:15

Brk  10:15 – 10:30

P8/9   10:30 – 12:30

P3    8:20 –   10:15

Brk  10:15 – 10:30

P7   10:30 – 12:30

P2    8:20 –   10:15

Brk  10:15 – 10:30

P6   10:30 – 12:30

P1    8:20 –   10:15

Brk  10:15 – 10:30

P5   10:30 – 12:30

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Feature Film Trailer (30 Seconds)

For the students final film project, each group will create a 30 second movie trailer.

Have you ever watched your favorite television show, and at the end of each episode, the producers tease you with "scenes of the next episode?"

Source for trailer defition