
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Quick Review of Six Assignments

Before groups begin making movies, every group member must demonstrate competence using our basic tools.

Please review

Assignment 1. Creating a g-mail account. In the To section list a parent or guardian. "Copy" means "Cc" so list my school e-mail in the Cc section. There should be three links in the body of the e-mail. Before sending, look at the email subject.

Assignment 2. Blog Invites and Following. This is a huge assignment. Many parents have enjoyed reading about our class. I have appreciated all of the communication and feedback as well.
For a student to receive full credit, I must receive a message from a parent confirming that a parent is "Following." By the way, a parent can "Follow" without participating.

Assignment 3. Posting, Controlling the Sequence, and Responding Properly. For new students, this might be a complicated project. For returning students, improve your blog so that viewers can read your response. Learn more about "Post Options" at the bottom of each blog post during composing.

Assignment 4. See the link about the recent historical references project. I want you to learn how to post links and embed videos in your blog. There is a difference between pasting a website address and insert a link. Same with embedding videos.

Assignment 5.  Second Group Video Project. Embed both videos and provide your question with three supporting answers. See the link.

Assignment 6. Creating Groups. Following Group members. Making a group email contact. Send the e-mail to my school email listing the members and leader and assistant leader name. If you do not know how to create a group in gmail, use the help function.

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