1. Complete 30 Second Video Project. The Video will be stored in each student's directory in a folder called "video."
2. After the video is complete, each student will create a complete set of story boards for their 30 second video. (This is in addition to the story boards created before and during the video. These completed story boards will be used to analyze how the groups changed their shooting techinques.)
3. An audio project lasting between one and two minutes. Each student from the group must be recorded.
Students will use the new Yeti Blue Microphones. Please read the Manual if you have questions. Place the audio file in the student MMVP folder of each student.
4. A completed script for the audio project. Students may complete the script after the project. I recommend that students create an outline first and then complete the script afterwards.
Note: We may not complete both Trail Projects since the equipment arrived this late in the semester.
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