
Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Exam

So, the finals looked something like this

Our students took the test in shifts, and they opened a MS Word Document with the following directions.

Use Firefox for exercise.
Go to the Networked Read Only Drive (R) and open the Farley Folder. Read the document titled "4th period Final (group 1)"
Go to your blog and write a first semester reflection. (students should already know the three questions.)
Title the post, Final Exam Reflection
For each question include Three Bullet Points (for a total of at least 9 bullets) - students should also know how to add bullets.
Embed a piclt from your account into the same post.
Open Adobe Photo Shop. Open the scarecrow  photo. Crop the photo. Use the text tool and write your name on the photo. And the font you used.
Upload the photo to your blog.
In your post, write "Mr Farley's multimedia video production class blog" and link to my blog.
Send blog to my work e-mail at bfarley at when I tell you to. attach your photoshopped file as a jpeg.
In the subject line write 4th Period Final, Group 2.

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