
Monday, November 15, 2010


Today each group is supposed to finish their four group movie projects.

When I return to school later this week, I want to be able to see that every student has posted five items on their blog.

1. embedded piclit photo showing that the student knows how to embed photo. this can be a simple photo with text. See my examples.

2. Magazine Cover

3. DVD Cover

4. Movie Poster (or flyer or billboard) however your group wants to conceptualize the project

5. Synopsis Poster (See Example: Synopsis Poster

I will grade the first one. It is worth 100 points. I will also grade one of the group projects. Everyone in the group must post the same exact projects for 2-5.

Read this again. Everyone in your group must post the same embedded pictures for 2-5, so your group must agree on the name of the movie. Your group must choose the same Magazine Cover and DVD Cover and Movie Poster and Synopsis Poster. Everyone must embed the same code into their blog. If everyone in your group does not post the same exact final product, your group will receive a zero!


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