
Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Exam

So, the finals looked something like this

Our students took the test in shifts, and they opened a MS Word Document with the following directions.

Use Firefox for exercise.
Go to the Networked Read Only Drive (R) and open the Farley Folder. Read the document titled "4th period Final (group 1)"
Go to your blog and write a first semester reflection. (students should already know the three questions.)
Title the post, Final Exam Reflection
For each question include Three Bullet Points (for a total of at least 9 bullets) - students should also know how to add bullets.
Embed a piclt from your account into the same post.
Open Adobe Photo Shop. Open the scarecrow  photo. Crop the photo. Use the text tool and write your name on the photo. And the font you used.
Upload the photo to your blog.
In your post, write "Mr Farley's multimedia video production class blog" and link to my blog.
Send blog to my work e-mail at bfarley at when I tell you to. attach your photoshopped file as a jpeg.
In the subject line write 4th Period Final, Group 2.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Finals Week - Practice

Some notes leading to the final.

Today we are finishing the last two assignments and preparing for the final.

Go to the "R" drive and find the photo called Practice-final-photo. It is currently sized to print. (Probably 4 inches by 6 inches at 300 dpi.)

I want you to open the photo in PhotoShop and use the Text Tool. Add the Text, "Practice Final." Pick the font, Arial, Verdana or some other Sans Serif font.

Then choose a color that is lighter than the red shirt.

I want you to change the size to 400x600 pixels and 100 dpi.

Save a jpg 100KB or smaller and send to me at bfarley (at) post with blog.

I also want you to create a blog post with a piclit using your account. the piclit will say practice final. embed the piclit into your blog post called "practice final." Also add the practice final photo.

on the blog post, list the three questions I ask for reflections.

list when we have our final.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday Night Football Loses Again

This is not an assignment. This is just something interesting.

When I was a 9th grader, Howard Cosell and Dandy Don Meredith announced Monday Night Football. Cosell left in 1983; Meredith left the following year.

On Sunday, Meredith left for good.

Many high school students probably do not realize that Monday Night Football was an event in the 1970's and early 80's. We did not have ESPN. We did not have Sports Center. Football fans watched highlights of all the weekend games during a two-minute stretch of halftime. Many of us planned our lives around MNF. While I appreciate Tevo and OnDemand and the Internet, I miss the universal cultural memory of "Turn Out The Lights..."

Those of you who enjoy sports might want to enjoy another person who has made watching sports more entertaining. Read more about Dandy Don on the NFL site.

Another MNF historical moment occured 30 years ago on December 8. Many Americans learned from Howard Cosell that John Lennon had died. You might be able to view the video at school; if not watch at home. And by the way, the team kicking the field goal? The New England Patriots.

For more John Lennon information, read his last interview.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Composition - Arranging - Putting Things Where They Belong

One of my students asked recently about photography. She wanted to know how she could get better.

I told her to start looking at light. How an artist sees light is important to photography, painting, video, video games, and all forms of multimedia. I asked my students to look at light when they worked on the five photo trail project.

Now I want students to think about composition. Learn about Composition. Research Composition.

My simple definition is this: where the objects go on the screen (or printed image.) sometimes I say, where I decide to arrange the objects. In our last assignment, students could arrange the objects with more freedom.

I have three basic rules for composition.

1. Get Closer  
(You can read a little about what I mean here, but you can't see the photos at school)

2. Don't put the main subject in the middle.

3. Frame

So, for today, research photo composition. Find sites on the internet and post them into your blog. Read about composition. You will probably find tons of links. Post at least ten. Read and share. Work in pairs.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Freaky Photo Five

I just realized that I did not post this assignment, so in case any parents are following along.

After the trail assignment, students worked in the same groups. They took five photos from the R Drive (Read Only). This time, students could choose trail photos or other photos.

And, students were to push PhotoShop as far as they wanted.

We put the five photos into our blog in order, just as we did the trail assignment.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Every Picture Story Says Something...

whether you want it to or not.

In this exercise, you are learning how to control the story.

You will learn how to sequence images.

You will learn how to control light.

You will learn how to control shapes. You will learn about cropping.

You will probably learn how to control your anger at your teacher. (Some of you will fail.)

After you choose your five photos and put them in order, you will learn how to size the images for the internet. You will learn about resolution and pixels. Good luck!

To learn more about photo stories, go to Life Magazine, Magnum, and the College Photography of the Year photo story section video and photo story.

If you are looking for more inspiration, try this one, by Liz Baylen.

anyone like sports?

This assignment will help you when you create story boards for videos later in the year... and remember, every photo tells a story, even if you do not try.


Monday, November 29, 2010

After Thanks

What do we do after we give thanks?

tell me.

Take the first fifteen minutes of class and familiarize yourself with our multimedia tools. Write a little something about what you do AFTER you give thanks. Reflect a little.

Start thinking about your path for the next few weeks... the next few months or the next few years.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Examples of winning work.

PicLit from

Why not Photoshop?

One of my students asked this question during the Piclit Movie project. Actually, many of my students wondered why they were limited to using This was a fair question.

I wanted students to be as creative as possible with the perceived limitations. I wanted the students to learn how to create in groups. And I wanted the students to learn how to share their work using the html code. Most of the students were very sucessful. I was concerned that students would be overwhelmed by Photoshop. I am often overwhelmed by it.

But now it is time to learn how to be overwhelmed.

Everyone log on HERE.

try this one

Later, use these sites for reference. We have CS3.

 Julieanne Kost, the Digital Imaging Evangelist at Adobe, is an excellent resource for Photoshop. She has an Adobe Blog too.

Russell Brown, the Senior Art Director, might overwhelm people with his ethusiasm. If his energy does not impress people, his knowledge most certainly will. Watch Russell Brown TV or read his blog.

You can also try Photoshop Tutorials. There are also sites on YouTube and many other locations.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Winner Winner

Who are my winners of the grand prize?

Who did the best tricks without falling?

Did your group do anything special?

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today each group is supposed to finish their four group movie projects.

When I return to school later this week, I want to be able to see that every student has posted five items on their blog.

1. embedded piclit photo showing that the student knows how to embed photo. this can be a simple photo with text. See my examples.

2. Magazine Cover

3. DVD Cover

4. Movie Poster (or flyer or billboard) however your group wants to conceptualize the project

5. Synopsis Poster (See Example: Synopsis Poster

I will grade the first one. It is worth 100 points. I will also grade one of the group projects. Everyone in the group must post the same exact projects for 2-5.

Read this again. Everyone in your group must post the same embedded pictures for 2-5, so your group must agree on the name of the movie. Your group must choose the same Magazine Cover and DVD Cover and Movie Poster and Synopsis Poster. Everyone must embed the same code into their blog. If everyone in your group does not post the same exact final product, your group will receive a zero!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movie Marketing Project

You probably notice that I am not at school today.

And I will not be at school on Monday either. But you will still have important assignments due before I return.

First, you can start by looking through my post from yesterday.

Secondly, create a account if you do not already have one AND post a basic piclit project and embed the html code (look above at the "edit HTML" area on this page if you wonder how to paste all the code.)

Third, your group will pretend that you have created a movie and you are responsible for marketing the movie. Your group must submit four additional assignments and everyone in your group must post all four piclits assignments.

The assignments are

A. Magazine Cover
B. DVD Cover
C. Poster
D. Synopsis Poster (see example)

The group with the best project will recieve full credit. If a group does not complete a project, they will not receive any credit. It is possible that I will not grade all assignments, but the one that I grade will be worth 500 points.

The first assignment is 100 (post a simple piclit); It can look like the one after this post.

If you have questions, post comments on Wednesday


400 wide

400 width

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at

example of student work from the group project

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at

Don't Judge a Movie by it's ...

I hear people say

Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover

and that might be true. Just because a book has a good cover, does not mean that the book will be good.

However, if there is a good cover, we will probably like the book more.
Also, the book cover tells us something about the book. Is the book a mystery? A historical novel? A skateboard photo book? Is it a Maya Software Manual? An anime comic book? The cover guides us.

So make covers that are interesting. And make covers that tell us something. ALSO, be careful, that you do not mislead the reader.

The same is true about

A magazine cover.

A DVD movie cover

Monday, November 8, 2010

Finish Second Term - Start Third

Please complete your Microsoft Word Art Reflection. Answer the three questions:

1. What did I do well?

2. What could I have done better?

3. What did I learn?

Please title the post something identifiable, for example, "Microsoft Word Art Reflection" or "Reflection: MS Word Flyers, Fonts and Fotos." (This is a blog, so spelling can be creative)

Secondly, see if you have a Piclits account. I will be gone the next two times our class meets. You will have several exciting projects. Be prepared!


Video Slideshow with Adobe Lightroom 3

Last week, I posted photos from my webservice. These photos are for student use on student projects only. Unfortunately, the District server blocks the Photoshelter site, so it is difficult to see all the photos quickly from our school.

However, the new version of Adobe Lightroom allows me to create video slideshows. Below is an example. I inculded most of the photos for some fututre projects that will teach students how to use Photoshop and photo editing.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Final Day of Grading Period

Assignments for today

Show Word Art Projects - Art Show

Reflection of Word Art Font Project - 200 points.

Preview PixLit (see blog post and

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Every Picture Tells a Story

Use a Photo from Farley's (R) Drive
Make a poster
In MS Word
Save in each team member's hard drive.

4th Period Groups

Leandro & David M (So2) & Driscoll
Slack & Yatack
Yugo and Grossi
Evan & Olivia
Raz & (Jordan) Oz
WesR & JB
Collins and Vz
Mikey & Sv
Travis & Frank Ramos
Harry & Garcia

Shannon & DomB
Satchell & Daniel
Stompe the Bacon
Schalch & Vince
Stone & Jesse
Tommy & Jack
Dillon & Garrett
NickB & LindzC
Rob & Kates
Chepe & Duende (Antonio & Jose)
Kenn byhimself)
Eduardo, Edgar and Ng
Tim, MC, J,J, &Z
Ant & Svhn

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bryan-Farley-Photographs - Images | bryan farley

Here is a slideshow of my photographs that students will use for a few projects. These are not necessarily my best photos, but I think students can be creative with them. I also know that students have been using other photos without the authors' permission. In the future, students will learn how to attain permission before using another person's creative content.

We are using these photos for the next stage of multimedia. I have volunteered some of my photographs for the projects. I would probably provide some different photos if I wanted to market myself better, but I still think students can create some very creative work with the photos above.

Bryan-Farley-Photographs - Images bryan farley

These images are visible away from school... these will be used for future projects. Students will use original photos to create stories.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Photo and Text

Tell a Story about Today. What is today? (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Use a picture! Think about Color, shape, design.

Is it Election Day? Is is the Day after The World Series Victory? Is it both?


New Groups- 5th

Kates, Vince, & Schalch
Stone & Satchel
Rob & DomB
Tommy & Shannon
Baxter & Bacon
Eduardo & Edgar
Savannah & Blair
Stompe & DCampbell
Northern & Southerland
Lindsey & Kenn
Hance & Bradley
Mario & 

New Groups- 4th

Tacamura & Kessler
Thomas & Roberts (Wes & Johny)
Collins and Billy Ramos
Olivia & Harry
Raz & Pedro
Svahlin & Garcia
Bobbi YT & Joey Oswalt
Jaime & Joel

Mikey and Older Thomas (not quite in a group)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Vote for your Monday Spooky Election Project

Create a Flyer or Poster
Using Spooky Font
Tell a story that includes all three days...

Day of the Dead
Election Day

Partners Project- 4th Pd
david m and andy s
travis g & chris slack
Yugo & Justin
John Thomas & Mike D
Leandro & Pedro V
Olivia & Jimmy B
Roberts & Roberts
Joel & Raz
Jordan B Oswalt & Aaron Kessler
Kaden & Josh G
Maxwell & Arthur
Evan & Katherine
Harry Driscoll

Partners Project- 5th Pd

Vince, Ryan & Ryan
Tommy & Garrett
Victor Bacon & Hance
Nick Baxter & Robert (bobby)
Shannan & Susoeff
Campbell & Campbell
Stone & Dom B
Stompe & Grandi
Edgar G & Eduardo A
Northern & Ng
Savannah & Satchel
Jose & Antonio

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Color Theory

Why is "color theory" called a theory?

I do not have an answer, but I have a credible source about color from the Adobe website.

What colors do you think go well together? What don't? What is your theory?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Font Inspiration

For those of you who are looking for font inspiration, you may wish to view this blog about about graphic design and typography.
The site is called Inspiration Lab.

Or check out this site by Jessica Hische.

I am guessing that most of you have not looked very closely at fonts. You probably have not considered the importance of these little letters, and yet, you recognize them instantly.

How about this one?

The Five D's of Dodgeball

What would Patches O'Houlihan say?

Is it necessary that you learn how to write five paragraph essays? No!

Is it necessary that you know the history of American Film? No!

Is it necessary that you understand composition and color theory? No!

Is it necessary that you know the history of font making and text? Is it necessary that you know when to use a serif font or a grotesque sans serif font? NO! 

Is it necessary that you take notes? No.

Do you at least know the five D's of dodge ball? 






1. Go to the post with advanced examples. Click on the link. Your assignment should be more like this. No MS Word essays needed! PLEASE.

2. In MS Word, answer the following questions.

 What do you see? In the Village Voice Summer Fest? Or the Summer Book Preview? Or “Love Your Heart?” What about the color? Shape? Texture? How can you use your font to answer the questions listed here at the bottom of the post.

How old? Where was it created? Why? Who? Where was it popular? Do we use it for billboards? Text messages? Movie titles? Newspapers? Magazines?

3. Open your MS Word Document. Save it; title it; store it in the correct place. If you are at a computer without Word, open a Blog post and work on the information. You will still create a blog post.

4. Use Word  Art, or other MS Word functions. Themes, Colors. Identify someone in your group who is a resource. You may ask them questions.

Short Break to walk around class and stretch.

5. At 11:40, short oral presentations answering questions about font's history, purpose, use.

6. More work on "Font Flyer", prepare for showcase. Students who have completed project can post short response on blog. Also, complete other assignments. I have noticed some students have not completed previous blog posts, especially "Reflection:  What is MMVP project?"

7. At 12:10 Showcase student work

8. Receive feedback from at least two people. Make final changes if necessary.

Conclusion and Preview Thursday. And Dodge ball.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting Started with Blogging

So that you can remember a few important links, I am posting the
Getting Started with Blogging link.

You may refer to this site often. You may also send it to your friends and family, especially the family member who is following your blog and my blog.

Also, if you wish to contact me, remember my e-mail is bfarley (at)

Does anyone know why I wrote did not create a link to my e-mail... or why others spell out their e-mail?


Parenting Question

This post is for parents and guardians. As my students should know, I require my students to have their parents or guardians to sign the course syllabus. I also require parents or guardians to follow their child's blog. (In some circumstances, I will make exceptions, but this must be arranged individually.)

I found this post on Common Sense Media about Illegal Downloads.

How often do our children steal without our knowledge?

Perhaps a better question: How often do our children steal without their knowledge?

Parents are encouraged to...
Read this post and reply below.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Graphic design examples with Text

This site shows some advanced examples of how I want this assignment to look. I want you to answer the questions about your font using imagery, font, color and shape.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pix Lit Project

This assignment will begin on November 5, 2010.

Students can explore before November 5th. For the assignment, students will create a piclit project and share to their blog, similar to how I have done below.

PicLit from

There is also a video tutorial.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Class Calendar

Here is my Google Calendar for our class through Thanksgiving. I will add details as we move forward, but this will be a general guideline.

A reminder. As of now, I expect three things. First, I expect that all of my students are following my blog. I also expect that my students have invited a parent or guardian to follow their blog. Thirdly, I expect that all of my students have informed their parents or guardians that I requested families contact me.

Voice Mail and E-mail

Recently, I created my staff voice mail account. Even though I teach in room 708, my voice mail box is #720.

E-mail is the best way to reach me. Please use my school e-mail at

bfarley (at)

Thank you,


First Font Assignment

We will be using the following fifteen fonts. I will divide the fonts by group. Students will answer the questions and create a MS Word Document. This should be a creative assignment where students use the art feature in MS Word.


Bodini MT
Century Schoolbook
Franklin Gothic
Gills Sans
Microsoft Sans Serif
Myriad Web Pro
Times New Roman

More Microsoft Core Font Info
(core fonts for the web )
(Apple font Suite )

More on Garamond and Bodini

What type of font?
How would you describe it?
When was it created?
Who? How? Why?
How was it used? How would you use it? When?
Did it make money? Did the font artist make money?
Is it popular today?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Next is Text - Font, Moveable Type and Letters

When I first became excited about computers, I thought that computers would make writing easier. I even thought that computers might eliminate writing. Instead, computers have increased the use of writing.

When the printing press was invented, more words were created. When computers were invented, more words were used. When the internet became popular, words increased. We use words and letters more now than at any time in history.

...and as we create new forms of writing, some of our old forms disappear. Many of us take for granted the variety of fonts we use. Many of us do not understand the history of letter making.

What is Times New Roman? Why was it created? Why do we still use it?

What is Arial? Ives? Geneva? Courier? What is Myriad Pro? How were fonts created before computers? Who did it? Why do we like certain fonts?

read part of Simon Luxley's book on the history of type and font making

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why do I teach students to lead?

I am often asked why I create groups? Students often wonder why I assign group leaders. Sometimes parents ask.

Sometimes, I ask myself.

Teaching leadership requires dilligence, patience and committment.

I am often asked why I create groups? Students often wonder why I assign group leaders. Sometimes parents ask.

Sometimes, I ask myself.

Teaching leadership requires diligence, patience and commitment. I think that learning how to lead requires patience... so does learning how to follow.

Today, I remembered one reason why I teach leadership when I received a monthly e-mail from Patrick Lencioni. Some day, some of my students will become leaders.

Patrick is the President and Founder of The Table Group, a business consulting firm. His books and lectures simplify an otherwise complicated topic. Below is his October edition of Point of View.

The Dilemma of the Difficult Employee
It’s a simple but painful problem that has plagued business people since the beginning of time, I’m sure. From shopkeepers in ancient Rome to English factory supervisors during the Industrial Revolution to software engineering managers in modern Silicon Valley, leaders have always struggled with the question of what to do about a difficult employee. And the dilemma is almost always seen the same way: should I continue to tolerate this person or let them go?
The first step toward solving this simple and painful problem is coming to the realization that it is a false dilemma. The decision should not boil down to keeping or firing a difficult employee. In fact, the manager should avoid engaging in this line of thinking in the first place. The real question a manager needs to ask is "have I done everything I can to help the difficult employee?" Based on my work with leaders in all types of organizations and at all levels, the answer to that question is usually a resounding 'no.' Here’s what I mean.
Most managers—including me during much of my career—react the same way when they come to the realization that one of their people is a problem. First, they find someone to vent to about it. Usually to a colleague, sometimes to a subordinate, and almost always their spouse. On a courageous day, they might make a subtle comment to the difficult employee, or if they’re timing is lucky, be able to include something in an upcoming employee review. What they rarely do is sit down with that employee and tell them, in no uncertain terms, that their attitude needs to change.
As ridiculously obvious as that sounds, and as much sense as it makes to anyone who has ever coached little league or parented a child, it rarely happens. Whether it is a CEO dealing with an arrogant or condescending VP of sales, a pastor managing a rude church receptionist, or a school principal hearing complaints about a caustic teacher, very few leaders have the guts to directly and unequivocally let a difficult employee know that their behavior is patently unacceptable.
This is understandable given that in many of these situations the employee in question is somewhat of a peer to the leader. No one relishes the idea of having to give a colleague bad news, especially when that news has to do with their personality or behavior. And so it is not surprising that leaders often hesitate, procrastinate, even abdicate their responsibilities, hoping that the situation will somehow change on its own.
But it rarely does, and the complaints continue, and that’s when the false dilemma starts to emerge and leaders feel like they have to make a "buy or sell" decision. If they fire the employee, the consequences aren’t pretty—there is the potential for a lawsuit or expensive severance, not to mention the possibility of a morale problem among the people who liked the employee or never saw the problematic behavior. And then there is the loss of that person’s production and the need to hire a replacement. On the other hand, if the leader decides to keep the difficult employee, there is the inevitable morale problem among the people who experience the poor behavior, and the loss of credibility that the leader will experience for not having the courage to make a hard decision.
And so the manager engages in a stressful and fruitless calculus exercise, constantly trying to estimate and mitigate the damage that either decision will create, all the while watching the stakes grow and grow with every passing day. What that manager needs to do is as fool proof as it is difficult: inform the difficult employee that he is being, well, difficult, and continue to remind him again and again and again until one of three good things happens.
In the best possible scenario, the employee gets so tired of the manager reminding him how difficult he is that he changes his behavior. This is certainly what any manager would prefer, but it cannot happen without honest and incessant communication. In the next best scenario, the employee gets so tired of the manager reminding him how difficult he is that he decides to leave the organization. This allows him to take action on his own terms, and it avoids the stress of lawsuits and the cost of severance.
Even the third and worst case scenario is preferable to the false dilemma that managers put themselves in. If the difficult employee decides he will neither change his behavior nor leave the organization, then the manager needs to let him go. Though it may still be somewhat painful, the manager will be able to act with relatively little guilt, knowing that he did everything possible to achieve a better outcome. That will go a long way toward helping employees feel good about the situation, and reduce the possibility of lawsuits that come about when a difficult employee is surprised.
But perhaps the greatest outcome of choosing the direct approach will be the message it sends to the rest of the organization: we have standards of behavior, those standards have consequences, and your leader has the courage to enforce those consequences. That is something that any leader, in any organization, in any era, should be able to appreciate.

Monday, October 11, 2010

This week in MMVP

During the week of October 11- October 15, our students are working on group multi-media and video production assignments.

On Friday, students are to complete three assignments, unless we must extend the deadline because of network outages or other unforeseen circumstances. Also, some students have asked for extra time, because they know they will not be at school on Friday.

First, students will complete a group presentation about multi-media and/or video production.  Students will use credible sources to support arguments.

Second, students will write a five paragraph essay about mm/vp; students will cite three credible sources. These can be the same three sources as used above.

Thirdly, students will create a blog post demonstrating multi-media and/or video production. Students may use animation or video. Students may create animation or video or sound. Students may use all three.

Caution! These projects are due Friday. Use your time wisely. We will turn on our computers so that all students can see these blog posts.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Class Syllabus

A couple of weeks ago, I gave students my course syllabus.

I required that students return the last page signed by a parent or guardian. Few students completed the assignment. I also asked that parents contact me by e-mail.

Some parents may now realize that this assignment is part of your student's grade. Please follow up with me if you have any questions about your child or our class. I have spoken with many parents and I have enjoyed every conversation.

For the students who have lost the syllabus or who missed the assignment, I recommend printing the syllabus from the blog post below and submitting the assignment.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with your child.


San Marin High School
Multi-Media / Video Production

Mr. Farley
Contact Information

Personal Note / Welcome

I also love learning, but I struggled as a student. Letters moved when I read. I was confused by reading comprehension tests. I struggled with linear thinking; I was more analytical and creative. Even now, I think that most educational settings restrict those of us who are creative and visual.

After high school, I discovered visual art. While I might still struggle with reading comprehension, I am fortunate to have excellent visual comprehension. (Often, students who struggle in one area excel in another area.) Through visual art, I have learned to value literacy. After years of practice, I enjoy writing. Now, I spend more time writing than creating visual content -- screenplays, television pilots, magazine article, blogs and journal articles. I am constantly writing.

I will also write a blog for our classes so that families can follow our progress. Sometimes I will also post photos and include sound. I hesitate to reveal too much of my work though, because I want students to find their own voice.

I look forward to teaching this year. I love the challenge. I love the experience. I love how much I learn when I am in the presence of creative people. My students are creative.

Course Goals (from course outline)

This course is an introduction to multi-media and video production; some students may continue to advanced status. The broad goals for these courses are the same.
While learning about multi-media and video production careers, students will learn the "Technical Knowledge and Skills" required for careers in the field.

Because communication skills are important, especially in a creative field, students will learn how to communicate effectively, honestly, and creatively. Students will learn how to communicate in the context of a team and a group as well as an individual artist.

Students will learn higher order thinking skills to create and analyze multi-media art forms. By the end of the year, students will understand and analyze the elements of a specific multimedia art form and respond critically.

The curriculum is based on the California State Standards for Career Technical Education. For access to the full CTE standards, go to

Course Objectives (from course outline)
In groups and as individuals, students will use technology to create a variety of audio, visual, written, and electronic products and presentations. Students may create advertisements, movie posters, animation, music videos, online websites or blogs, videos, PowerPoint presentations and digitally altered imagery (Adobe Photoshop.)

Students will be able to draw conclusions about the historical context of multi-media in the world. Students will use concepts of art, history, language and math to discuss critically their perspectives.

Students will be able to describe the career skills required of the multi-media market place. Students will learn leadership skills and teamwork skills. Students will learn how to exist in collaborative work environments with other team members who are also considered "creatives." Students will explore the challenges and benefits of working in this flexible, demanding, and engaging environment.

Texts (from course outline)
We will reference various technology guides so that students can learn how to use some of the popular computer software programs. Many of our texts are written by the software distributor; other texts are written by users and can be accessed on online forums.

Progress Reporting (from Board Policy)
Grades shall be reported at the end of each progress reporting period for all students.  Progress reports will be mailed home and/or accessible to parents online approximately every five/six weeks.  Whenever a student falls below a C- after the second Progress Report for either semester, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the student’s parent/guardian and/or send a written report.  (Board Policy 5121)

Classroom Policies (Required)

50% Daily Assignments
20% Group Projects
20% Class Participation
10% Final Exam

Students are expected to know and follow all school rules. See the student handbook all students signed at the beginning of the year for guidance.

Since Multi-media / Video Production is a career oriented course, students are also expected to learn appropriate work setting behavior. A student’s Class Participation grade may be affected by a student’s ability to follow rules.

Students will also learn that those who follow rules, usually receive the most fredom. Parents are encouraged to contact me if they want to discuss how we can help their child learn more about this section.

Students are encouraged to spend time on projects outside of class to further support their learning. Some students will learn how to plan wisely, and may never take work home. However, students who wish to excel will probably work outside of class, during lunch, or after school. For families who do not have computers at home, please contact me.

Parents will be able to monitor progress by using Aeries Homelink. Parents may also contact me via e-mail. (

Classroom Tardies
I will follow San Marin's policy which is found in the Student Handbook.

Supplemental Materials / Media (See Board Policy 6161.11)

Keys to Success

“Good artists know why they break the rules. Great artists create new rules.” Even when a student demonstrates that he or she has become a great artist, I recommend they continue to do the following.

Show up on time ready to work
Encourage others to participate, collaborate and follow the rules
Be creative
Take Risks, while being safe
Respect the creativity of others

Notebooks / Binders / Journals
Students will maintain a private blog which they can share with parents. On the blog, students will regularly answer questions about art, business, media history, music, and other content standard related topics. Maintaining a blog is also a form of multi-media. Parents are encouraged to review student's blogs; students will provide access.

Projects / Special Assignments
Students who have a strong interest in a career subject area will have internship opportunities.

Students will begin studying historical concepts of multi-media and video productions. Students will also learning how beginning concepts of teamwork and leadership. After our class creates a basic understanding that multi-media is created by people for people in a historical and social context, students will begin creating basic projects in teams. Students will create projects focused on their world initially. Once students have learned how to use basic tools and learned basic art terms, student will begin to create larger multi-media projects.
In the second semester, students will be divided by interest level and skill level to create projects for specific audiences. Those students who are especially motivated will find "internships" with professional artists.

Receipt of Syllabus

I am asking that every student have a parent or guardian sign and return. I am also requesting that the parent or guardian send an e-mail. Please include your student's name in the subject line. If you do not have e-mail access, please include your phone number.  I can contact you. If you do not speak English, include your preferred language so that someone can communicate with you directly.

Thank you,

Bryan Farley

Student Name                                              _____________________________________

Parent or Guardian Name                           ______________________________________

Parent or Guardian Signature                     ______________________________________

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back when I knew it all

I am a teacher. I teach three high school career education courses. In my career education courses, my students often tell me,

"That is not how you are supposed to teach."

They also tell me,

"We are not supposed to do THAT in multi-media and video production class!"

I remember when I was young. Sometimes, I had good ideas. Sometimes, I was correct. I felt that adults ignored me, even when I was correct. Why do adults ignore young people? Do we ignore them, because young people are wrong? Do we ignore young people, because they often yell? Or, was I wrong when I was young? Were adults listening?

For the students who want to know what I am supposed to be teaching, I am going to direct you again to page 44 of the California Content Standards for Career Educational Education courses.

For the students who believe that they are not supposed to be writing, please start with page 54, and try 64 too.

Now, as for how I teach? If you have suggestions, I will keep listening. I imagine I will look back at this age and wonder how I thought I knew it all at 42.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

notebooks - suggestions

I recommend that students keep a notebook for this course.

I do not require that students maintain notebooks. I suggest it. I recommend it. I think it is a great idea. I am the teacher. I give grades. I know a little. And even if I did not know anything... I am still recommending it, but I do not require it.

However, students are required do complete every assignment whether they take notes or not.

If you are a parent, and you are reading this post, you can require your child to take notes.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to Multi-Media and Video Production

This is my first post for my 4th and 5th period Multi-Media and Video Production classes at San Marin High School.

Students will also create blogs. My blog is public; I expect that students will keep their blogs private. I also require that students send me their blog link so that I can follow their progress. Students are also required to invite their parents or guardians.